
The Roger Howard Memorial Award

Cowboy Hat

Words from President Keith Warren

"In August 2019 we lost one of our favourite life Members Roger Howard. Roger was a devoted Country Music fan. He played at many of SA Country Music Clubs as a walk up and a guest artist. He was a strong participant of our workshop and also the Open Mic. He ran the open mic for quite a while. Roger was also a part of our Slim Dusty Tribute Show. In September 2020 the open Mic ran a special day in Rogers name, and had their biggest crowd ever. It was organized by Fred Payne and the Howard Family. Fred and I suggested that we have an annual award in Roger’s name. This is why we are here now. I asked the committee to nominate people they thought appropriate for the award. I then gave the nominations to Rogers family to pick the winner of our first award."

Note:- Roger Howard was a general committee member of the Gawler Country Music Club in 1994 and September 2001.  He was the treasurer in 1996 and 1997, and the Secretary in 1997 and 2000.  He did his first walkup in 1999.  (from the Club’s History page)

In 2021 "This person was on our committee in a number of positions when we were the Gawler country Music Club, and has been a part of the open Mic and the workshop when the workshop was running, and I think a very worthy recipient of this award. The first Roger Howard goes to Pam Griffin. Well done Pam. The award was presented by Loraine Howard. Well Down Pam"


Pam Griffin and Lorraine Howard with the Roger Howard Memorial Award Jan 17 2021

There are many photos of Roger and the special Open Mic here

The 2021 Awardee is Fred Payne


The 2022 Awardee is Keith Warren


The 2023 Awardee was Ian Fisk photo with Lorraine Howard by Rob Chapman