formally known as



'Down Through The Years'


Our History 

Note: We offer acknowledgement to all individuals and organisations whose information is included in this website. All resources are used in good faith for the benefit of Country Music in Australia. No individual or Committee Members with links to Gawler Country Music Club Inc accept any legal responsibilities for the information included within. Please address any concerns to the President of Playford Country Music Club Inc.


If you have photographs or information related to the History of Gawler Country Music Club we would love to hear from you....


Gawler Festival

Gawler Country Music Club in South Australia goes back a long way and it is interesting to reflect upon its origins and the history of its development.

Since the club's inception Country Music lovers in South Australia have enjoyed the companionship of club members and visitors and the entertainment provided by local and interstate artists.

Gawler Country Music Club did not happen by chance.


Gawler Country Music Club was made possible by its founding members.......... and by

  • Many people who participate and become Committee Members and Members of our Club;

  • Many participants who help with fundraising and assisting as and when required;

  • Many people behind the scenes, whose efforts are often not made public;

  • Many anonymous individuals who have kindly made generous donations;

  • and finally....   Gawler Country Music Club has developed a network of contacts including Country Music Clubs, Associations and Councils. It is now recognised by many Interstate Organisations for its open communication and for its efforts to promote all genres of Live Country Music for all ages...... and...

The rest is...... History 

We would appreciate photographs of each Club President and Committee Member of Gawler Country Music Club

If you can help please contact us


In the Beginning



First Fleet































In 1788 the first fleet landed in this our Land of Opportunity.

The sounds of Australia's traditional Didgeridoos and Clapsticks were about to be revolutionised.Didgeridoo player 

Many of the first 'White' Australian songs told of bushrangers; the good and bad times, the droughts the floods, stockmen and sheepshearers. The accompanying musical instruments included fiddles, banjos, mouth organ, penny whistles, button accordions and anything else that could make a noise. i.e. Bush Band Instruments  such as Bush Bass (tea chest complete with broom-handle) The Lagerphone came some time later once enough beer had been consumed. Note: At this time beer bottles did not have tops with the necessary specifications for good sound quality.

During the 1880's and 1900's song writers Paterson,Bush Baladeer Lawson and Ogilvie set the scene for Bush Ballads. Waltzing Matilda by Banjo Paterson became known worldwide.

In the 1920s the introduction of radio and wind-up gramophone influenced the growth of Country Music.

By the 1930s, country music had become an established part of rural life with the sounds of artists such as Jimmy Rogers and Hank Snow.

In 1936 New Zealand born Tex Morton, earned the title "Father of Australian Country Music." He pioneered a genuine, original Australian style of country music, which had an enormous influence on aspiring young artists like Slim Dusty and Buddy Williams.



From Queensland our first Australian country girl to record solo was Shirley Thoms.


Smoky Dawson began recording in 1941 to become one of Australia's best

 loved country music characters.

David Gordon Kirkpatrick/Slim Dusty recorded the first of over a thousand songs about the land he loved.

Country Music was promoted on radio in the 1950's, with artists such as Tim McNamara, Reg Lindsay, the McKean Sisters,  and Bob Fricker.  Smoky Dawson appeared on radio and introduced Country Music to TV.

Gordon Parsons'  'Pub With No Beer' was Gordon Parsonsrecorded and released by Slim Dusty in 1957. It became the best selling 78 record of all time and Australia's first international Number One Hit.

In the 60's Country Music took to Television. In 1964 The Country and Western Hour was produced in Adelaide, compared by Roger Cardwell and later Reg Lindsay.


1979 First Barmera Festival


Rocky Page


The Riverlands Country Music Festival and Awards at  Barmera South Australia remains the Biggest and the most prestigious of its kind in SA.

New and Young Talent is discovered here every year.

Barmera's 'Friendly Festival' houses a Country Music Hall of Fame and a Hands of Fame Park.



Jan 1989




Glen Harrison was a founding member and the first President of the Adelaide Country Music Club from January 1989 to August 1990.


Glen also became the founding President of Gawler Country Music Club 1992/1993



Oct 1992

First  Gawler CMC






Photos of

Glen Harrison

Merle Rogers would be appreciated


The history of our great Gawler Country Music Club Inc began in 1992 as a result of; and following, the First Annual 'Gawler Country Music Festival'.

This the First Festival was welcomed by the then Mayor  of Gawler R L Bartlett, and took place from Monday October 5th to Sunday October 11th 1992.

The organising committee of the First Gawler Country Music Festival was led by Glen Harrison, President of The Country Music Federation of South Australia Inc (CMFSA Inc.) and Merle Rogers, President of the Gawler Tourist Association. 

The event took place in Main Street Gawler and included Busking, Sausage Sizzles, Devonshire Teas etc...

Beccy Sturtzel


Beccy Cole

Beccy Cole


The Gawler (Prasads) Motel held a 'Pioneers Cabaret' and during the week, artists such as Gummy Bill, Buckshot, and many other's appeared.

Saturday: October 10th 1992

Gawler Lions Club hosted a Country Breakfast.

Gawler Institute organised  a Talent Quest. Who Won?

Murray Street was the scene of a Street Parade.

Main Street had a Bush Band, Square Dancers, Folk Music, Didgeridoo Playing, and Amusements.


Gawler Recreation Centre held an  Awards Night Concert featuring Smokey Dawson, Rocky Page, The Howie Bros, Chad Morgan, Dusty Rankin, Liz Cargo, Trev Warner, Neil Humphries, Kahren, Carole & Beccy Sturtzel, Kym Warner and Johnny Mac.

Sunday: October 11th 1992

Gawler Cinema held a Gospel Concert.

Gawler Race Course was the venue for the Grand Farewell Open Air Concert with Neil Humphries and many other Guests.




First Secretary






Glen Harrison







I Remember…’ Recollections by Joni Lee-Voyce

Founding Member… Glen Harrison and Merle Rogers (President of the Gawler Tourist Association) got together to arrange an informal committee to stage the first Gawler Country Music Festival. 

After this event a number of Country Music enthusiasts joined forces to form an official committee.

Glen Harrison was President, Merle Rogers was Vice President, Joni Lee-Voyce was Secretary, Sandy Davies was Treasurer, Promotions was the responsibility of Joe McKerron, Glen Harrison's wife Christine and daughter Kahren were also on the committee.


Pic by Ian Fisk

Joni Lee-Voyce officially registered the Gawler Country Music Club Inc name in 1993 and she was the first person to pay her dues and join Gawler Country Music Club. As a courtesy she gave Glen the No. 1 membership number.

The name 'Gawler Country Music Festival' was registered around the same time and the Gawler Club Committee organised the festival which was very successful.

The club used to hold its monthly shows at what was then Emily's Restaurant (Now the Nova) they then moved to the Gawler South Football Club where they stayed for several years.

Joni was Club Secretary until 1996/1997.

Thanks for your contribution Joni.

Additional information is always welcome from

anyone who wishes to contribute

to I Remember…’




First Newsletter

















Music Workshop



The first edition of the Gawler Country Music Club Newsletter was released in April 1993.Newsletter 1


The very first Club Show of Gawler Country Music Club was held on Sunday 7th March 1993 at Emily's Restaurant in Gawler.

The band was 'Buckshot' consisting of Debbie List, Rick Pace, Kevin Hendry and Andre Chouse. Special guest was Kahren.

Other artists were Colin Thomas, Rebecca Thomas, Linda Booth, Murray Mac, Aussie Atkins, Duncan Smith, Ian List, Travis List, Dallas List and Dan Mannix.

The Second monthly show on April 4th 1993 was again held in in Gawler Reception Centre at Emily's Restaurant featuring 'Country Mile' with Special Guest Gummy Bill/Ross Baker.

The First Music Workshop was earmarked for May 2nd 1993 to be held upstairs at Emily's Restaurant. It was proposed to have a Monthly Workshop the Coordinator was Kahren Harris.

Tuition in guitar, bass, pedal steel mandolin/banjo, vocals, stage performance were on offer.

Aug 1993


Our Founding President of Gawler Country Music Club,

Glen Harrison sadly passed away 5th August 1993.



Oct 1993








A Photos of

Merle Rogers would be appreciated



The Second Gawler Country Music Festival took place Monday October 4th to Sunday October 10th 1993.

Beneficiary of this year's event was CanTeen the Australian Teenage Cancer Patients Society. ($1000.00 Donation)

The major sponsor of the event was Cheap Foods Gawler. Gawler Mayor at the time was Bruce Eastick

Merle Rogers was nominated as President of Gawler Country Music Club since Club Founder and  President, Glen Harrison had sadly recently passed away.

Reg Lindsay, Johnny Mac, Chad Morgan, Patsy Biscoe's Country Magic Band, Beccy Cole, Deniese Morrison, Ross Baker, Carole Sturtzel, Jimmy Little, Lionel Rose and the Howie Brothers was the line-up for the Oct 1993 show.

In March 1994 there were several changes in the  Gawler CMC Committee.


March 1994


Elected Committee Members


Merle Rogers   Acting President

Brenton Moar   Vice President

Joni Lee             Secretary

Sandy Davies    Treasurer

Pam Du-Valle    Publicity Officer


Bereavement Notices:

Phillip Davis (Committee Member)

Gerry Beinke (Club Member)



General Committee Members


Pat Lester

Terry Lester

Phillip Davis

Lorraine Howard

Norman Foster

Max Rogers

Ann Moar

Glenys Foster joined the committee in June 1994




South Gawler Football Club


It was announced in February that the Gawler Country Music Club  was to change its Venue in March 1994 from Emily's to the South Gawler Football Club.

The new venue was reported to have a much larger dance floor.

The Club's First Birthday on 20th March 1994

Entry Fees $4.00 Members $6.00 Visitors.


April 1994





Music Workshop to be restarted. No record of why it had stopped.

Acting President Merle Rogers decided to retire from the position of President of Gawler CMC

Breton Moar becomes President of Gawler CMC (pic would be appreciated)

Dec 1994

Committee Reshuffle


Brenton Moar         President

Lorraine Howard    Vice President

Joni Lee                  Secretary

Ann Moar               Treasurer

Pam Du-Valle         Publicity Officer

Committee Members


Norman Foster

Glenis Foster

Patricia Lester

Terry Lester

Roger Howard



Oct 1994


The Third Gawler Country Music Festival took place between October 7th to October 9th 1994. President of the Club was Brenton Moar.

The major sponsor of the event was

IGA Gawler Foodland Gawler.

Gawler Mayor at the time was Bruce Eastick

Beneficiary of this year's event was Make a Wish Foundation of Australia.


Lorraine & Roger Howard

Lorraine became a hard working fundraiser for Gawler CMC and for

The Royal Society for the Blind.



Lee Conway, Allison Durban, Olive & Andrea Bice,  Reg McTaggart, Corinna Cordwell, Peter Horan, Desiree-Ilona Crawford, Adam Harvey, Dallas and Travis List, Ross Baker, Merv Romeo, Detour,  The Millera Band, Country Bumpkin, Wild Card and Diablo was the line up for the 1994 show.


Jan 1995



Country Singer Songwriter

Reg Lindsay is hospitalised

and in a coma.






Night Time



Gawler Country Music Club held its first Night Time Show on Friday April 28th 1995 at Parafield Gardens Community Club. Entertainment by The Craig Giles Cabaret with The Blue Velvet Band.


Nov 1995







First Pro

Video of Gawler Country Music Festival

The Fourth Gawler Country Music Festival took place between November 16th to 19th 1995.

President of the GCM Club was Brenton Moar.

Gawler Mayor at the time was Bruce Eastick

Beneficiary of this year's event was Make a Wish Foundation of Australia.

John Williamson, Gina Jeffreys, Judy Stone, Paul Gibbs, Shayne Parle, Niccole Briant, Country Bumpkin, Graeme Hugo & Ironbark, Country Mile, Just Country was the line- up for the 1995 show.

3 Action Packed Videos of 4th Annual Country Music Festival became available priced at $29.95 each. Running time is 2 hours each.

1. Best of 4th Annual Country Music Festival

2. John Williamson Live & Truck Show

3. The Talent Quest

According to information provided New Committee Member in December1995 Brian Sambell?

According to information provided New Committee Member in February 1996 Neil Dennis?

April 1996

In April 1996 after a stay in hospital, Club Secretary Joni Lee regretfully steps down from her position as Club Secretary.



May 1996

Committee Reshuffle


Brenton Moar         President

Lorraine Howard    Vice President

Ann Moar               Treasurer

Neil Dennis             Marketing Officer

Newsletter Editor   Terry Lester

Committee Members


Norman Foster

Glenis Foster

Patricia Lester

Roger Howard



June 1996







Gawler CMC becomes a No Smoking Venue

June 1996

Two New Committee members Keith Warren and Ian Holt. Both have been Club Members for around 2 years.. Glenys Foster retires from Committee.


July 1996

Committee Reshuffle


Brenton Moar         President

Norman Foster       Vice President

Ian Holt                   Secretary

Roger Howard        Treasurer

Neil Dennis             Marketing Officer

Terry Lester           Newsletter Editor  


Committee Members


Lorraine Howard

Ann Moar

Pat Lester

Keith Warren


Oct 1996


Brenton  and Ann Moar step down from the GCMC Committee due to other commitments including their band 'Twin Rivers'.


Oct 1996




A rumour is being spread that Gawler Country Music Club was about to fold.

Not True!


Helen Warren and Glen Foster join the GCMC Committee.


Nov 1996

Committee Reshuffle


Glen & Norman Foster

Norm was Club President from 1996 to 2001


Norman Foster       President

Lorraine Howard   Vice President


Committee Members


Pat Lester

Keith Warren

Glen Foster

Helen Warren


Nov 1996






The Fifth Gawler Country Music Festival took place Friday November 15th to Sunday 17th 1996

Mitchell Shadlow, Dwayne Elix, Kathryn Pitt, John R Williams, Nicole Briant, Norm Koch, JJ Shannon, Chris Worbey, Scottie Moar, Dallis List Travis List, Jan Springett, Jon Arnold, Inspiration 5, No Way Out, Country Bumpkin, Detour and Twin River was the line-up for the 1996 show.

1996 Neil Dennis is now Marketing Officer

Dec 1996 Thanks are expressed to FoodTown  Peachey Road Davoren Park  for being the Gawler CM Club's main sponsor over the previous 2 Years.

Neil Dennis leaves his position as Marketing Officer to move on to the Country Music Federation.

Gawler CMC was sad to hear that Club Member David Ahrens of Evaston had passed away. RIP.

Jan 1997

Committee Reshuffle


Norman Foster        President

Lorraine Howard    Vice President


Roger Howard        Treasurer

Terry Lester            Newsletter Editor  


Committee Members


Pat Lester

Keith Warren

Glen Foster

Helen Warren


April 1997


'With much regret we are sorry to inform our members, that Zelda Clark passed away at the beginning of April.' She was a Cousin of Rocky Page and Founder Member of the Adelaide Country Music Club.


May 1997

Sunday May 18th 1997 Change of Venue to Munno Para Bowling Club.

Reports suggest that the Gawler South Football Club members were not happy with their club being occupied by others. The hire fee for the premises was to be raised and several changes were being made to the club premises etc.. The new venue is bigger, with cooking facilities and easy access. It was unfortunate, but  after a considerable number of enquiries it was confirmed that there were no other suitable venues available in Gawler.


June 1997

15th June 1997 Rocky Page passed away. Condolences to family and Friends. Rocky

Founder - South Australian Country Music Festival & Awards


The Riverlands Country Music Festival and Awards at  Barmera South Australia

should not be mistaken for the Gawler Country Music Festival. 




July 1997

Credit given to our major sponsor Living Health. No Smoking Policy introduced at Munno Para Bowling Club.


Aug 1997 29th Aug 1997 Bells Gawler Store our club sponsor have closes down. Thanks go to Glen Footer and staff for your support.


Sept 1997

Committee Reshuffle


Norman Foster        President

Keith Warren          Vice President

Roger Howard        Secretary

Lorraine Howard    Treasurer

Terry Lester            Newsletter Editor

Keith Warren          Entertainment Officer  


Committee Members


Pat Lester

Glen Foster

Helen Warren

Gunter Riede

Kevin McGregor

Yvonne McGregor

Oct 1997



John Denver killed in plane crash. October 13, 1997







Nov 1997



The Sixth Gawler Country Music Festival took place Sat November 22nd to Sun 23rd 1997

The charity supported was The McGuiness McDermott Foundation


The Talent Quest was held at Munno Para Bowling Club. There were 85 Artist involved..

Sponsor was Living Heart.


Sunday: Gospel Concert 9.30am to 11.30am  at Gawler Racecourse



Country Bumpkins

Jay J Shannon

Niole Briant

Christine Sherrah Debbie List Travis List

Dallas List

Chris Worbey

Jodiane Wa....


Kathryn Campbell

Alison Hams

Morrie Traeger

Paul Stonehouse

Compare Helen Downer


Sunday: Family Outdoor Concert 11.30am to 5.30pm at Gawler Racecourse


Cactus Martin & Detour & Alison Hams & Young Country

Compares Jay J Shannon & Debbie List

Dwayne Elix


CJ Jacomas

Jay J Shannon

Nicole Briant

Plus Talent Quest winners from Saturday


Feb 1998

Edna Jamieson and Brian Verrel  who met at Gawler CMC are to marry Sunday 15th Feb 1998


April 1998

Virginia Wynette Pugh, known professionally as Tammy Wynette passed away on the 6th April 1998 (May 5, 1942 -April 6, 1998)


Sept 1998 It was announced that there will be no Festival this year due to lack of financial sponsorship.
Oct 1998 Donna and Jamie Warren Join the existing Committee to take over production of the Gawler CMC Newsletter. Terry and Pat Lester remain on the Committee.
May 1999

Club Member Laurie Drinkwater passed away. Deepest Sympathy to Joan and family


June 1999 Club Member Laurel Sands passed away

Herby Collins of 'Wildcard' Band passed away


Nov 1999 The 7th 'Gawler Country Music Festival' at Gawler Institute ... Funding by ARTS SA

(There was no Festival held last year)

Sat morning  6th Nov 2000 Talent Quest with Country Mile

Sat evening  6th Nov 2000 'Restless' and Noel Watson



Committee Reshuffle


Norman Foster       President

Keith Warren         Vice President

Roger Howard        Secretary

Lorraine Howard    Treasurer

Jamie Warren         Newsletter Editor

Keith Warren          Entertainment Officer  

Committee Members


Glen FosterJamie and Donna

Helen Warren

Kevin McGregor

Yvonne McGregor

Robyn Harris

Tim Harris

Donna Warren


Donna & Jamie Warren



Marion Northcott passed away 21st November 1999. Best wishes to Bill and Family



First Country Music Club in SA to be on internet.


Newsletter Editor Jamie Warren claims to be the first Country Music Club in South Australia to have a presence on the internet. (No longer available)

April 2000


Club Membership numbers have been rising steadily over the years. This month we have 110 club members. A lot of mouths to feed. The good news is our volunteer catering staff can now take a rest as Scotties Kitchen will now be taking over the monthly catering.


Sept 2000

First time Roger 'Walks Up'


Roger Howard (Club Secretary) appears on stage as a Walk Up Artist.

Sept 2000

First time Newsletter goes online


The Gawler CMC August Newsletter was put online. The first of many. Thanks to Bernie Affleck for her assistance.

Sept 2000

Committee Reshuffle


Norman Foster        President

Keith Warren          Vice President

Roger Howard         Secretary

Lorraine Howard     Treasurer

Jamie Warren          Newsletter Editor

Keith Warren           Entertainment Officer  

Committee Members


Glen Foster

Helen Warren

Kevin McGregor

Yvonne McGregor

Robyn Harris

Susan Harris

Donna Warren

Pam Griffin


Nov 2000 Jamie Warren & Donna Warren step down from the Newsletter Editor's role and Pam Griffin takes over the pen.
Nov 2000  The 8th  'Gawler Country Music Festival' Gawler Institute ... Funding by ARTS SA

Sat morning  25th Nov 2000 Talent Quest with the Shaerrahs

Sat evening  25th Nov 2000 Talent Quest Winners with Graeme Hugo & Ironbark Megan Laurie

Sun 26th Nov 2000   Heartland & Megan Laurie

Jan 2001 PamNewly appointed Newsletter Editor Pam Griffin takes the first step towards organising a Gawler Country Music Workshop. Pic by Ian Fisk of SACCM.



Pam Griffin

Mar 2001

Announcement: Ian List is to be inaugurated into the Barmera Country Music Hall of Fame for his long term support of Country Music in South Australia.


June 2001

Announced long time club member Les Lindqvist has passed away.

Sympathy goes to the family of Renata Jane

Aug 2001 Sympathy goes to the family of Lorraine Jensen

100th Edition of Gawler CMC Newsletter


Sept 2001

Committee Reshuffle


Keith Warren        President

Tim Harris             Vice President

Pam Griffin            Secretary

Wendy Manners   Treasurer

Pam Griffin            Newsletter Editor

Keith Warren         Entertainment Officer  

Committee Members


Helen Warren

Robyn Harris

Jamie Warren

Glen Foster

Norman Foster

Roger Howard

Lorraine Howard



Mar 2002


Sat 16th Gawler CMC Cabaret at Gawler Starplex with Graeme Hugo


Mar 2002

Club Member John Duncan sadly passed away. Acknowledgement to Irene Coleman who cared for John through his illness.


June 2002

Local Country Music Entertainer John Smurthwaite 1934-2002 passed away


July 2002

Barry Thornton guitarist with Slim Dusty passed away


Sept 2002

Committee Reshuffle


Norm Foster          President

Keith Warren        Vice President

Pam Griffin            Secretary

Robyn Packham    Treasurer

Pam Griffin            Newsletter Editor


Committee Members Members


Helen Warren

Colin Packham

Wendy Manners

Josie Read

Glen Foster

Lorraine Howard



Josie & Smoky

Jan 2003


Sadly we recently lost two club members Burt Gurney and Kingsley Berndt



July 2003


The subject of ... 'The Club should be in Gawler' was raised... However, it was confirmed that no suitable venues are available in Gawler.

It seems that around this time the committee was disheartened by the fact that there were very few new volunteer Club Members willing to put their hands up to join the Committee.

This lead to... Committee members who had served long-term...  did not stand for re-election.


A new committee was formed.





July 2003

Committee Reshuffle


Keith Warren          President

Keven McGregor   Vice President

Helen Warren         Secretary

Donna Warren        Treasurer

Jamie Warren         Newsletter Editor

Committee Members


Josie Read


Yvonne McGregor

George Dobie




July 2003


Condolences to the families and friends of Club Members

Irene Victor Gordon, Burnie Dobner, John Clarke and Brenton Moore.



Sept 2003

Slim Dusty passed away at his home at 9.46am (AEST) 19th September 2003 after a protracted battle with cancer.
Born David Gordon Kirkpatrick at Kempsey, on the NSW mid-north coast, in 1927, he wrote his first song The Way the Cowboy Dies at the age of 10.
A year later he changed his name to Slim Dusty and later went on to record a string of hits including The Pub With No Beer, the biggest selling record by an Australian.



March 2004



Fiona Parish


Fiona Parish took over as Newsletter Editor from Jamie Warren.

Fiona acknowledged Dawn Trezise for donating stamps for the mailing out of our Newsletter


July 2004

Club Member Neville Potter who was born with Cerebral Palsy is interviewed for our Newsletter


Oct 2004


Committee Reshuffle


Keith Warren          President

Keven McGregor   Vice President

Helen Warren         Secretary

Donna Warren        Treasurer

Fiona Parrish         Newsletter Editor


Committee Members


Josie Read

Brian Moore

Yvonne McGregor

George Dobie

Kay Dobie

Fred Payne



Sept 2004


Slim Dusty Tribute Show.......... Proceeds to go to Cancer Research

The Gawler Country Music Club presented its first Slim Dusty Tribute Show at Munno Para Bowling Club on 19th September 2004.

Host band was John Turner and Saddle Tramp with special guest artists Bill Bedford,

Mick Burgen, Ian List, Wally Sparrow, Vanessa Lee Shirley, Roger Howard and

Keith Warren.

Admission cost was $7 per person.

Sponsors were Allingtons Outpost, Munno Para Bowling Club, RM Williams and Keith and Helen Warren.

Sept 2005


First A3 Country Music




Fiona Parish performed this laborious process of producing the club's monthly newsletter for two years.Fiona resigned from her role as Newsletter Editor due to other commitments.

With computer technology becoming more widely available, the new Newsletter Editor Les Parris changed the format of the GCMC Newsletter to A3 folded.

It proved to be a popular move.


Les Parris

Sept 2005 The Newsletter Folding Team consisting of volunteers....

Tina Chapman, George Dobie, Kathy Armstrong, Sandra Keepence, Kevin Keepence, Terry Sheehan, Marjorie Bateson, Kay Dobie and Daryl Parker have been responsible for folding and addressing the newsletters from 2005 to 2008.

Thanks go to Munno Para Bowling and Recreation Club for providing us with the use of their photocopier and premises for producing our monthly newsletter.


Oct 2005


Committee Reshuffle


Keith Warren           President

Keven McGregor    Vice President

Helen Warren          Secretary

Barry Warren          Treasurer

Les Parris                Newsletter Editor

Fred Payne              Public Relations


Committee Members

Josie Read

Brian Moore

Yvonne McGregor

George Dobie

Kay Dobie

Janette Tripodi

Dec 2005

GCMC's First 


Country Music



Gawler Country Music Club went on 'the web' with its own website developed by their Newsletter Editor/Webmaster Les Parris

All Newsletters from September 2005 can be viewed on-line



Sept 2006/2007



Committee Reshuffle



Left to Right Back Row

Les Parris Newsletter/Web Editor

Terry Sheehan General Committee

Keven McGregor Vice President

Brian Moore General Committee


Middle Row

Keith Warren President

Barry Warren Accounts

George Dobie General Committee

Fred Payne Public Relations


Front Row

Yvonne McGregor General Committee

Helen Warren Secretary

Josie Evans General Committee

Kay Dobie General Committee


Dec 2006 Gawler Country Music Club purchased a Badge Making Machine and began producing badges for our club and other community based organisations. Les Parris our Newsletter Editor designed, printed and created the badges many of which were requested by young Country Music artists for promotions and fund raising. Badges







Committee Reshuffle


President Keith Warren
Vice President Keven McGregor
Secretary Helen Warren
Treasurer Barry Warren
Newsletter/Website Editor Les Parris 

Public Relations Officer

Fred Payne


Committee Members


Yvonne McGregor

George Dobie

Brian Moore

Terry Sheehan

Louise Vardon

Kevin Vardon

Robin Ellbourn














All News and Newsletters from

September 2005 onwards

can now be viewed on-line at







Committee Reshuffle


President Keith Warren
Vice President George Dobie
Secretary Helen Warren
Treasurer Barry Warren
Newsletter/Website Editor Les Parris 

Public Relations Officer

Fred Payne


Committee Members


Keven McGregor

Yvonne McGregor

Kay Dobie

Louise Vardon

Kevin Vardon




Kay Dobie


George Dobie

At the AGM Keven McGregor stepped down as Vice President and George Dobie was elected as his successor.


Fred Payne

GunterGunter Riede (Mr Tambourine) who served on our committee in 1997 passed away ....

22nd August 2008 

Dearly missed.




August 2008

Slim Dusty Heritage Centre project awarded $1.5 Million Dollars by New South Wales Government

September 2008

Gawler Country Music Club...2008

Slim Dusty  Tribute Show Sold Out.

Great attendance ..Great Show.

  • The Young Balladeers

  • Amos Morris

  • Matt Manning

  • Daniel Manning

  • Kristal Collins

  • Vanessa Lee Shirley

October 2008

Shorty Ranger Memorial Bust installed in Kempsy Museum.

November 2008


Become a Sponsor of Gawler Country Music Club

November 2008

South Australian Stampede held in Gawler.

Artist included Wolveines, Davidson Brothers, Danny Hooper, Travis List....

December 2008

Club Member Neville Potter passed away on Christmas Eve 2008

Fond Memories...


June 2009

A weekend away at Riverbush Cottages organised by Fred Payne was a great success with Country Music Workshops and Jam Sessions from early morning and late into the night.

June 2009

Johnno is Gonno Saturday Night Country Radio Host John Nutting is takes off for 3 months long service leave. However, he returns for a farewell show and leaves his weekly show. permanently.  in the capable hands of Felicity Urquart

June 2009 Newsletter Editor Les Parris Changes History by publishing Gawler Country Music Club Newsletter No: 194 for July 2009 with the incorrect date June 2010.
June 2009

Our local Country Artist Kristal Collins was judged Norfolk Air Trans Tasman Entertainer of the Year.Kristal 19 becomes the first South Australian to win the coveted award.





Committee Update

Yvonne and Keven McGregor are not standing for re

election to our Gawler Country Music Club committee this

year. They have been active committee members since 1994

excepting for 2 years.


Barry Warren has stepped down as Treasurer and Louise


Vardon takes over the task.


Carlene Oliver has joined us as a new General Committee









Committee Reshuffle


President Keith Warren
Vice President George Dobie
Secretary Helen Warren

Louise Vardon

Newsletter/Website Ed Les Parris 

Public Relations Officer

Fred Payne


Committee Members


Kay Dobie

Kevin Vardon

Barry Warren

Carlene Oliver




September 2009

2009 Slim Dusty Tribute Show

organised by Gawler Country Music Club

  • Ian List & Sidekicks

  • Olive Bice

  • Cactus Martin

  • Greg Semmler

  • David Croser

SACCM's  November 2009

Country Music Stampede at Gawler

An excellent show which was eventually to lead to several concerns about the promotion and the future of Country Music in South Australia.



October 31st 2009

Gawler CM Club Member Fay Parker, Mother of Daryl and Nana to young entertainer Eliza passed away unexpectedly at Central Districts Hospital.


Februar12th 2010

Slim Connor the Gentleman of Country Music and Our Club Member  passed away on the morning of Friday 12th February 2010.



June 2010


South Australian Artist Angela Easson was judged Norfolk Air Trans Tasman Entertainer of the Year. The second South Australian to win the coveted award.

July 2010

Gawler Country Music Club Member

Caroline McIntyre who never missed our monthly shows, unexpectedly passed away.

RIP Caroline



Caroline McIntyre






Committee Reshuffle


President Keith Warren
Vice President George Dobie
Secretary Helen Warren

Louise Vardon

Newsletter/Website Ed Les Parris 

Public Relations Officer

Fred Payne


Committee Members


Kay Dobie

Kevin Vardon

Carlene Oliver

Allen Prow

Clive Fossleitner





21st August


Gawler CM Club hosts their

2010 Country Cavalcade Talent Quest!

Held at Munno Para Bowling & Community Club S.A.










21st August


Clive Fossleitner passed away suddenly after appearing on stage at the Talent Quest. Clive was awarded second place in the Male Vocals section. Clive had newly joined our Club' Committee.

RIP Clive



 19th September


2010 Slim Dusty Tribute Show

  • Ian List and his Sidekicks

  • Tracy Stewart

  • Alec Beckett

  • Des Morgan

  • Taylor Pfeiffer

October 2010

Newsletter Editor/Web Editor Les Parris resigns from his position after almost 6 years service.

Gawler Country Music Club Inc is now seeking a

Newsletter Editor/Web Editor

''Best wishes to my replacement...''


December 2010 Melody Feder and Nathaniel O'Brien win the Senior and Junior Champion of Champions Awards organised by SACCM.
December 2010 The South Australian Council for Country Music SACCM hold their AGM to discuss their future. According to their publication The Prelude...the future of SACCM is somewhat undecided.

Also, according to the December 2010 edition of The SACCM's Prelude magazine, (published shortly after SACCM's  AGM;) ... Chairman Fil Galantomos and CEO Joni Lee-Voyce each tendered their resignation effective as of 31/12/10.


From the midst of uncertainty with resignations and a lack of funding...

the positive action of Country Music Clubs, Local Musicians and Country Music Fans has resulted in a lifeline.....


A Special General Meeting was called for...  to be held Saturday 8th January 2011 at 1.00pm in Willaston Football Club.



If there are any inaccuracies or omissions please contact the Club President

The Web Editor does not accept responsibility for any inaccuracies.

He will however make necessary alterations if and when formally requested.


See you at our New Venue!

...The Grenville Centre ...

Effective as from

Sunday 7th August 2014


December 2014

Newsletter Editor/Web Editor Les Parris resigns from his position for the second time after 9 years service.


Les wishes his successor Stewart Ray all the best as Gawler Country Music Club's Newsletter/Web Editor

''Good luck Stewart...''


Thanks to everyone for your support over the years...




2015 - The Gawler Country Music Club media gets a face lift...
Home  CountryMusicToday-Collage  

August 3rd 2015

Committee member, fellow muso, and dear friend Les Parris passed away.  May he Rock In Peace !!!

 Les Parris


April 2016 Venue changed to Uley Road Hall
May 2017 Name change to Playford Country Music Club website URL
